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Faith formation is an integral part of our school. The activities of the Spiritual club has enhanced the spiritual atmosphere of our school. Let’s have a look at the activities of our spiritual club

Angel for a Day

Children from each class are given training for Bible Reading during afternoon prayer. The one who reads bible during the afternoon prayer service is the Angel for the day.

Student league

The members are trained to participate as an usher, reader, song leader for the Holy Mass. They are also given the charge for receiving Priests – to and from the mass venue.

Habitat for Humanity

Work in partnership with God and volunteers to eliminate poverty housing were the proposed plan by the Spiritual club. We fulfilled our dream by joining our hands with the school Management, Staff, PTA & Parents to build a house for the poor.

Handmaids of the Lord

Formation of a group where young catholic girls can grow together in community and faith as they learn to imitate Mary, the Mother of God, in the virtues of humility, joy, charity, simplicity, obedience and purity. Sr. Lizbeth is the mentor for this group.

Service of Solidarity (SOS)

Service for English Language Learners is done by Animators of Spiritual Club. Special sessions were organized for Muslim students at lunch time during the season of  Ramzan fasting.

St. Euphrasia’s Chapter

Intended to help students grow in their faith and find the face of Jesus, especially in the poor, a group of students visited nearby Angana Vadis under the leadership of the School Director, Rev. Sr. Devotia CMC and wished the greetings of Onam. Sweets and gifts were given by Social welfare club and Eco Club members.


Promoting the Catholic Church’s teaching on the consistent ethic of respecting all human life from conception to natural death was our aim. Catechism classes and Moral Science classes were conducted promptly as per the action plan of the school. Special one week Logos session was organized and led by the animators of the spiritual club

Angelic Voice

Sr. Lizbeth CMC is giving training for the Student liturgical music group for offering music ministry for the Holy Mass.

Hours of Reflection

Once in every week, the entire catholic students experience an hour of reflection during which they look back on their life.  They focus on the highs and lows, what they are to take with them and leave behind, those they need to thank and those with whom they need to make amends.    Sr. Prasoona CMC is leading the special prayer service session.

Apart from these, we conduct Daily common prayer service, Concentration Exercise, Recitation of Bible Verses, Afternoon Prayer and Evening Prayer Services, Inspirational Music in the intervals, Promotion of KCSL and DCL, Observation of Feast Days of various saints and prayer service, Observance of Silence Day, Programme to propagate Marian Devotion like Rosary Procession and 10 days Rosary Devotion in the month of October, Solemn and pious training in Indian Spirituality etc contribute much towards the spiritual animation of our school. Transportation facility for the students who are going to Mosque for Friday Prayers is also available.