Sexual harassment prevention policy
We Envision The Total Formation Of The Young Generation Of The Time, For Their Enrichment, And Of The Society And The Nation At Large. We ensure Safe and Healthy Atmosphere, Harmonious Working and Learning Environment Assuring Non-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment, and Anti – Abusive/ Exclusion.
Sexual harassment of or by any board member, parent, volunteer, administrator, faculty member, employee, student or guest is strictly prohibited.
Unwelcome sexual conduct which makes a person, (male or female, of the same or opposite gender, same-sex attracted, bisexual and transgender) feel offended, humiliated and/or intimidated, where that reaction to the conduct is reasonable in the circumstances. Sexual harassment can be a single incident or repeated or continuous, direct or indirect and take various forms, including but not limited to:
· unwelcome touching, hugging, kissing, brushing up against a person
· staring or leering
· suggestive comments or jokes or actions which denigrate a person based upon gender
· sexually explicit pictures, screen savers, posters, graffiti, letters, messages, magazines or any other visual or written medium
· unwelcome invitations to go out on dates
· requests for sex
· inappropriate and intrusive personal questions about a person’s private life or their body
· insults, taunts, teasing or name calling of a sexual nature or sexually explicit conversation
· accessing sexually explicit internet sites
· offensive phone calls, letters, emails or mobile phone text messages
· posting filmed or photographed images or comments on social networking sites
· behaviour which may constitute a criminal offence under criminal law and reportable to the police, such as physical or indecent assault, stalking, obscene communications, sexual assault
Sexual harassment is a legally recognised form of sex discrimination.
Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of sexual harassment by a board member, a parent, a volunteer, an administrator, faculty member, student or employee of the school is encouraged to discuss the alleged acts immediately and confidentially with one or more of the following three individuals: two representatives from the faculty or administration appointed and published annually by the head of school, and/or the school attorney, who shall at all times be appointed by the school board of trustees (the “Designated Persons”). Any complaints of alleged sexual harassment made to the Designated Persons will be discussed fully and confidentially with the person raising the complaint or concern and will require approval of the reporter prior to disclosure or direct investigation of the matter. If, after discussion by the reporting person with one or more of the Designated Persons, it is agreed between the reporting party and the Designated Person that a more detailed investigation is appropriate, the following investigative procedure will be utilized.
Class 1 to 5
Harassment means “to tease, bother, or annoy someone. No harassment is allowed at school. there are two types of harassment that happen in school.
1. Unwanted Words
Examples: teasing, making fun of someone, calling someone names, excluding someone from playing, writing mean notes about someone, drawing mean or nasty pictures of someone
2. Unwanted Touch
Examples: hitting, kicking, pushing, shoving, pinching, biting, pulling hair or clothes, unwanted hugs or kisses, etc.
“My Body Belongs to Me”
Activity: Steps to Stop Harassment (25 minutes)
Explain to students that now they know what harassment is but what should you do if it is happening
to you. There are three things to do if you are being harassed:
1. Tell the person to STOP.
If someone is harassing you, the first thing you want to do is tell them to stop. But, that isn’t
always easy, especially if the person is bigger than you or stronger than you or is a friend.
Using the Shoe Activity (Appendix E), have 2 students come to the front of the room, each
standing on a pair of “shoes”, “Ray’s” (the character from the book) shoes and the “Bully”
shoes. Give the student standing on “Ray’s” shoes a scenario (This student pulls your hair
when you are standing in line.) and ask them what they could say to the “Bully” to make
them stop (I want you to stop pulling my hair.). The student standing on the “Bully” shoes
will then practice how to respond (I’m sorry.). Students then switch shoes and practice again.
Go around the room, giving each student a chance to participate.
2. Tell an adult at school.
Go around the room and have each student identify an adult at school that they could tell
if they are being harassed. Remind students about other adults in the building besides their
classroom teacher: librarian, art/music/gym teacher, bus driver, crossing guard, cafeteria
workers, school nurse, school counselor, other teachers, secretary, principal, school security,
etc. This helps students see that they are not alone and there are many adults they can go to
for help.
3. Tell an adult at home.
Go around the room and have each student identify an adult at home that they could tell if
they are being harassed. Remind students about other adults they know besides their parent/
guardian: various relatives, neighbor, babysitter, sports coach, karate/music/dance instructor,
after-school caregivers, a friend’s mom/dad, someone at their church/temple/synagogue, etc.
This helps students see that they are not alone and there are many adults they can go to for
Post-Test (5 minutes)
Give students the post-test (Appendix A) to assess their post-program knowledge.
Class 6 to 8
Comments about private parts of the body | Sexual notes | Touching/grabbing private parts of the body |
Sexual rumors | Obsessive love notes | Pulling clothes up, down, or off |
Sexual requests | Sexual graffiti | Unwanted hugs/kisses |
Sexual drawings |
Class 9 to 12
• Comments about private parts of the body
• Sexual rumors
• Sexual requests
• Sexual name-calling
• Sexual comments
• Obscene phone calls
• Sexual jokes
• Sexual notes
• Obsessive love letters
• Sexual graffiti
• Sexual drawings
• Sexual emails, IM’s, chat, text messages, etc.
• Voyerism/”Peeping Tom”
• Taking naked photos/videos of someone
• Child pornography
• Exposing private parts of the body/flashing/
• Touching/grabbing private parts of the body
• Rubbing/grinding against someone
• Cornering
• Pulling clothes up, down or off
• Unwanted hugs/kisses
• Sexual gestures
• Sexual staring
• Rape
• Sexual assault
• Statutory sexual assault
• Child sexual abuse
• Drug-facilitated sexual assault
Following discussion with one or more of the Designated Parties, and the agreement of the reporting party that an investigation should be undertaken, the complaint will be made fully known to the head of school and to the school ‘s attorney (if he has not been previously involved). Once so advised, immediate follow-up in the form of a full investigation by the head of school and school attorney will be performed.
In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes sexual harassment, the totality of circumstances, such as the nature of the sexual advances and the context in which the alleged incidents occurred, will be considered. To assist in the investigation, incidents will be documented, including specifics such as dates, times, witnesses, if any, and a full and clear statement of what transpired. A determination of the appropriateness (or lack thereof) of the particular action will then be made from the facts by the head of school (with the assistance and advice of the School’s attorney), and appropriate action will be pursued expeditiously in each case.
Any administrator, faculty member, employee, or student of the school who engages in sexual harassment is subject to immediate and appropriate discipline, up to and including discharge or expulsion. The results of the investigation of each complaint filed under this Policy will be reported to the complaining party by the head of school. The report will document any disciplinary action taken by school as a result of the complaint, and will become part of the personnel file or record of the disciplined individual.
Retaliation against any individual who complains of sexual harassment is strictly forbidden by the school, and anyone who practices such retaliation will be subject to immediate discipline, up to and including discharge or expulsion.
The school recognizes that not every advance or comment of a sexual nature constitutes harassment. Whether a particular action or incident constitutes sexual harassment or not requires an objective determination based upon all of the facts and surrounding circumstances. False accusations of sexual harassment can have a serious detrimental effect on innocent parties, are prohibited by the school, and can be cause for disciplinary action up to and including discharge or expulsion.
“Code of Conduct”
For ALL Staff-Teaching, Visiting, Administration, and Service staff With immediate effect
The following list clearly states behavior that crosses the line from professional and caring, into personal and inappropriate. Such behavior will NOT be tolerated. This applies to your behavior towards both, girls and boys.
A pat on the back, or shoulder or | You cannot give- |
Conversations that is appropriate | You cannot have- |
Student-teacher relationship is | You should not maintain student-teacher relationship outside of school events that is personal in nature-lunch or a movie alone; |
Verbally communicating to the | You should not use inappropriate words to express anger-“dumb”, idiot, using the students’ name/surname in a sarcastic manner, comment on his/her family background or physical appearance. |
Applying consequences listed | You cannot - |
1. Duty to report to Principal, in writing, if a staff member observes any adult engaging in the inappropriate behaviors.
2. Maintain confidentiality.
3. Refrain from making comments, joke or trivializing the issue
4. Communicate concerns directly only to your principal/ vice principal or academic co-ordinator.
Any staff or member associated with Vimala Public School who violates this policy by engaging in inappropriate conduct listed above that directly or indirectly crosses moral/ethical/legal boundaries, causes intimidation, emotional or physical harm to another student or staff member will be subject to strict disciplinary action.