Vimala Public School, Thodupuzha follows the Uniform System of Assessment advocated by CBSE. A brief explanation about our scholastic area is given below.
1. Primary (I to VI) Vimala Public School academic session is divided into two terms. There will be two unit tests in each term. The timetable for each unit test will be given in advance. Parents are requested to kindly note down these dates. NO HOMEWORK IS GIVEN FOR GRADE I & II. WE ADVOCATE NO SCHOOL BAG POLICY FOR THEM. Subjects other than the ones mentioned in the Curriculum Page will be assessed orally. The grade reflected in the Report Card at the end of each term will be based on the Unit Tests and would also include the pupil’s performance in class work, home work, project work and internal assessments on spelling, writing skill, reading, recitation, mental math and computer practical spread over the term.
2. Grade (V to VIII) The academic year of grade V to VIII is divided into two terms. Term I is from June to September, and term II is from October to March. There will be two assessments/ examinations of 60 marks for each subject, in a year, and two periodic assessments each before Term I and Annual Examination. Subject Enrichment Activities will be taken using multiple tools such as written tests, assignments, projects, quiz, oral tests, comprehensions, debate, elocution, book review, exhibition, skits etc.
3. Grade (IX & X) For classes IX and X CBSE pattern will be followed. There will be three periodic written tests in the entire academic year and the average of the best two will be taken. For the purpose of graded learning, three tests may be held as one being the midterm with portion of syllabus cumulatively covered. The average of the best two tests will be taken for final assessment.
4. Grade (XI & XII) For class XI, there are two components for assessment. Overall Assessment and Session Ending Assessment of 50 % weightage each. Overall Assessment includes Periodic Tests and Half Yearly examination. Year ending examination includes complete syllabus in theory and practical/ project. The qualifying marks in each subject will be 33%. In a subject involving practical work a student must obtain 33% marks in theory and 33% mark in practicals separately in addition to 33% marks in aggregate, in order to qualify in that subject. Existing provisions of compartmental examination will remain the same. For class XII the Board will conduct the external examinations at the end of class XII. Pattern of class XI for Periodic Test and Half Yearly will be followed in class XII also.
There will be four open house meetings in a year. Promotion to the next class is earned based on their continuous performance. So it is imperative that students participate in every activity, competitions, project works, quiz etc.